Hello, Stack Snacks community! We're excited to share our latest updates and developments with you all. Here's what's been happening in our world:

YouTube Channel Milestone

We're thrilled to announce that our YouTube channel has surpassed 3,400 subscribers! This growth is a testament to your continued support and engagement. While we've faced some challenges in recording new video content lately, we've implemented a solution to keep our channel active and valuable.

Audio Content on YouTube

To ensure a steady stream of content, we've revived our practice of posting audio content on our YouTube channel. This approach, which we successfully used last year, allows us to maintain a consistent presence even when video production is challenging. We're excited to bring this format back and hope you'll find it just as informative and engaging as our video content.

Future Content Plans

We're eager to return to creating walkthrough videos soon. Our team has been exploring new tools and revisiting some older ones, which should provide fresh and interesting content for our audience. One tool we're particularly excited about is Notion AI. We're giving it another try this month, as there have been significant updates since our last review.

Experimenting with Search Alternatives

In an interesting twist, we're challenging ourselves to navigate the web without relying on Google Search. Instead, we're exploring alternative search methods and AI tools. This experiment aims to broaden our perspective on web navigation and discover new ways of finding information online.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from our tech adventures. As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more with you soon!