Tomorrow is April 1st and I have been pondering a number of challenges to begin. I wanted to wait till the next month the first of the month to start something as it is just easier to track.I find for me the best way to learn is to keep doing and keep doing it. If I want to learn something I Just have to find a way to get into my routine and into my day. If I want to get great at JS and never write any of it.I am just finishing up a Ruby on Rails course. While, I did learn a lot, I also feel like I learned nothing. The tutorial was wonderful and they really explained MVC and a lot of other programming basics well. The way I seem to learn best is through repetition so in six months I will probably forget all of that.I think my plan will be to set up some sort of metrics I have to meet. A certain number of git commits a week and I certain number of projects once a tutorial is over.