Apple just announced their foray into streaming music and how they are going to leverage the Beats acquisition. Honestly, it was nothing special. Apple wrapped up some features that nobody wants or ever asked for and tried to convince us that we need them, and we need them right away. They made a huge push for their artist connect feature where artists can post updates, and you can comment on things and share. They also have these new radio stations and in all fairness those could be interesting. I like the idea of having some curation when I am just to lazy to pick and poke around my playlists. They have lined up some DJs who could make it something interesting.Also, the fact that Apple is going to make an Android and Windows app for this service as well. So, we will now have shitty software on those other platforms as well. For anyone who has used iTunes or Safari on a PC, I am sure they are holding their breath on this one. Personally, I would love to see a powerful web app more than a windows app. That is one thing that did disappoint me. I think that a lot of people stream music during the day at work, and some IT departments might lock down installing apps on work computers. It would be a pleasing addition to the app roster.The killer thing that Apple did was a price. They are offering a family plan for 14.99 for up to six accounts. The fake families are already starting to form on the internet. I am sure there is a sub Reddit that will happen soon after it launches. I mean that price point alone is compelling to make me think about switching. I use a family plan with my wife on Spotify for 14.99 for just the two of us. But, if we can get a little group situation going for the same price and cut are bill down even further. It is not like Spotify is the killer app. I thinkRdio beats them on design. Spotify is just the spot that all my friends are on. It makes sharing easier and playlists.They waited till June 30th to launch, and that is another particular thing to me. Everyone was talking about it last week, and the buzz was high. They are offering up 3-month free trials for it as well. I was ready to sign up. I think some of the allure will be gone come the end of the month. But, I think that family plan pricing will be something that will lure more people than we think over to Apple Music.Don’t forget just because Apple installs the app by default doesn’t mean people will use it. I am sure a lot of people have a folder of just “Apple Junk” with the stocks app and other tings you can’t remove. There is nothing stopping this from adding to the mix.