In 2009, a documentary was released called, “We Live In Public.” The film follows Josh Harris, founder of the site While watching this movie, it was hard to believe that it all took place in the 90s. Josh Harris founded a streaming TV network during the 90s boom.The movie was an interesting look at the tech climate in the 90s. These are companies and scenarios that some of us might not remember quite well. In the 90s boom, some of us were only a few years old.It is almost hard to believe that there was a company in the early 90s that was working on streaming tech and was succeeding on a certain level. Live StreamLive streaming seems to be a space that everyone wants to get involved in. Facebook Live, Periscope, and Snapchat all want to capture our moments.Now, with Snapchat glasses, the live component is something that is going to go to the next level of sharing.The dream of “We Live In Public” is starting to come to the surface. It is going to be interesting to see how people share when it comes to wearables.I think it is something that has altered all of our behaviors. I recently went to take a photo on my phone, stopped myself, and said, “I better Snapchat this.” Black Mirror - The Near Future[ΩAp9n8rQcNetflix released a new trailer for their latest bit of original programming, “Black Mirror.” If you haven’t seen any of the previous seasons, it was worth a binge. The seasons are only a few episodes each.