I woke up today sore from the gym. It was actually almost hard to walk down the stairs this morning. I have also been recovering from a knee injury from about a few weeks ago. The one thing that I love about going to the gym is it is always time away from a screen. My phone is not in my hands and I am just doing my thing.Everytime I am at the gym I can’t help but to want a little more data and a little more information. I have been wearing activity trackers before. I have had a Fitbit, jawbone up and now I have been wearing a Mi Band.The MiBand has an interesting setting in the app you can switch it to and track jump ropes and situps. I would really want to use something that I wouldn’t have to switch modes for to get that data. I would love to do my workout and open up the app and get a recap (100 pushups, 50 deadlifts, etc)http://www.liveathos.com/ http://www.trainwithpush.com/ http://welcome.moov.cc/These products do showcase an exciting future. Athos is something that is promising as it is on your clothing and can really focus in on the muscle being used. Imagine a world where you can see all that data and know when you should rest to minimize risk of injury and have a clear graph of all the work you have been doing.