Google Glass was something that I was ravenous for. The product eventually became dead and Google learned a lot from that experiment. I had the privilege to try out a pair for a weekend. The experience was just kind of strange. It didn’t feel natural at all but, on the other hand, there were a few things that were certainly forward thinking about that type of device.Out of nowhere, Snapchat rebranded last week and is now a “camera company.” They also announced a brand new piece of hardware called “Spectacles.” Finally, something different and a company that is willing to take a chance on something. Just a few weeks ago, watching the Apple Event, I was hoping they would take a chance and release something that would wow and surprise us. A device or service that takes a real chance and tries to be something different.When you first look at the Spectacles, they almost look like a joke. The oversized sunglasses come in a variety of bright colors and have cameras at the corners of each eye of the glasses. From, a hardware point of view it is an interesting device. The sample content looks like something that GoPro would make. The device is priced at only $130 and when you compared it to a Google Glass, it almost ten times cheaper. Live StreamFacebook Live, Periscope, and are just some apps that are pushing live video into the mainstream. Even with the fact that these glasses can only record 10 seconds at a time, they are going to be huge with young people. They are priced right and will tap into something.I think it is going to be interesting to see what people can do with them. They could work with the GoPro crowd as well.