This week might have been the most prolific since I started the Stack Snacks project. We published six videos in total that are all live on the YouTube channel now. I was really excited because I also did two live streams this week.

This has been something that I wanted to play around with for a long time. But, it was either the time or the setup that was lacking, and we finally got a decent solution in place to be able to do that. I want to make live streaming part of the workflow. There was something fun and exciting about doing it, even though nobody watched it. I want to make sure I try to do it again and maybe do something that is long-form and more substantial.

We also launched the first episode of our kids' podcast "Candy Cane Park" on YouTube as well. You can watch it here:

This is just a passion project that I have been thinking about doing for a long time now. It is cool to see the first episode out there, and being able to be creative with some AI tools makes it feel like a lot of my passion projects that I was never able to get out there could maybe happen one day.