CSSPostCSS is the new thing that everyone is talking about. I have only used it on CodePen, but I wanted to use it in a project from start to finish to see how the install process was and to see how it could fit in for my next project. I also like the option to write maybe some of my plugins. InstallationThe best way to install it seems to be adding this to your build tools. According to the PostCSS GitHub, there are plugins for Grunt, Gulp, webpack, Broccoli, Brunch, ENB, Fly, Stylus, Meteor, Duo andConnect/Express.I am going to use gulp for getting started with postcss. if you have never used Gulp before head http://gulpjs.com/here for details. npm install --save-dev gulp-postcss This NPM module will install postcss for your project. Now, you can edit your gulp file with a few variables.var gulp = require('gulp'); var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');Next, time we will we start finding some plugins to add to our gulpfile