I have a problem. If its something new, I sign up for it or I want to buy it. There is something about the new big thing that just draws me to it.Apparently, I signed up for an app called Marvel. It is an interactive prototyping web app. It is similar to Invsion and a few other floating around out there.I got an email about a new Sketch plugin, so I had to try at least it out. Even though I have no prototypes ready for the app.This has been something that I want to explore more. I like the idea of the views you mockup having something to interact with. It helps for me to be able to interact with my projects. That is why I think I like starting off in code so much.The process to get your sketch files to the app was so simple with the Dropbox integration or the plugin right in Sketch. Marvel dedicated form my Sketch file that I was using an iPhone 6 art board and loaded my design in a lovely iPhone skin.I will attach the art board that I did use. I think that I might try to design a few views of an app idea I have been kicking around the last weeks. But, enjoy this screenshot.