April has been a productive month for me. I started the month with a big challenge. 5 Sundays = 5 New Ideas. Four weeks into the ship and challenge and four new things that have gotten released into the wild. This week is going to be a marketing week. I am going to try some tactics to see if I can validate any of the concepts that I put forth this month. But, I wanted to do a little catch all of some of the things that I learned about myself. If there were lists and tasks made. I was successful each week. Also, having a friend know what I was trying to do and I would share the project with him. The social aspect was an as big influence at certain times. I need to find ways to keep this in my process. Writing seems to be my gateway into everything it seems. I shouldn’t run away from that fact and I should find a way to embrace that and double down. Recording my own voice was super exciting and scary. Maybe there is more to do here. I wonder if there is an experiment I could run around this. Getting more comfortable with the process and trying different things in that world. The challenge was really successful on a few ends. It was good to be able to analyze what works for me and how I work the best. It was also a lot of fun and I might do something like this in the future again.