I love apps. If I could afford it, I would have an Android and iOS device and just swap sim cards once a week. I will always try new stuff and see if there is something new that I could factor into my process. Even though I really like my workflow. Here is what I have been working with the last few months. ProductivityEvernote - Everything lives here, if I want to reference anything. I make sure Evernote has a copy Todoist - I can install it on all my devices. It is the one todo app that I seem to auctually listen to. Trello - Still don’t know how I can work this into the flow. I just really like i Sunrise ReadingInstapaper - The premimum highlights feature combined with IFTT syncing them to Evernote is just perfect Feedly Scribd - Just started a free trial to see if this can replace Audible. Selection is improving but their Android app has been a little buggy. Blinkist - The cliff notes for non-fiction. I almost feel like I am cheating but it does help to cut the crap out of your reading list. WritingiA Writer - Recently released Android app is one of the best Markdown editors for the OS. Draftin DevelopmentHostgator - Have had zero problems with them. Plus, they are dirt cheap and handles my few static and wordpress sites dploy.io - Just started using this and is a game changer. If you are still stuck using shared hosting. You might want to start factor this deployment system in. **Drophost - Wordpress sites that sync with your dropbox. I started using this to make a Wordpress theme. A service to keep an eye on. Github - We all use this now.