After LinkedIn was acquired by Microsoft last week, I, like many others, was wondering how this would fit into their core product line. I literally use zero Microsoft products now except for Outlook at work.Lately, Microsoft has been doing some interesting things. They have been acquiring top notch startups like Sunrise and Wunderlist. They also have a division called “The Garage,” which releases neat experimental apps for both iOS and Android.Microsoft is starting to get cool again. There was a time when I just didn’t want to use their products. Now that they have given up on making Windows Mobile work and are becoming a cloud services company. Microsoft is making a lot of interesting moves.I kept thinking about interesting ways to bring LinkedIn into their productivity suite. OutlookThere is a chrome extension called Rapportive ( that would be a natural way to extend LinkedIn inside Outlook. You can pull the LinkedIn data into your calendar app and emails to help you remember who you are meeting with and who you are talking to. CortonaI spent some time using Cortona over the last few days on a Windows 10 machine. I hadn’t used it for more than a few seconds before. I live in the Google ecosystem, but I wanted to see if there were any major differences between Cortona and Google Now.It is sometimes really awkward to talk to your computer unless you are alone. But, it would be cool to be able to post an update to LinkedIn directly from Cortona or make a draft of a post from some voice notes. It would also be nice to incorporate some data for upcoming calendar events. “You are meeting with Jane Smith, CEO of Intense, Inc.” 26 BillionLinkedIn is a huge acquisition and Microsoft must have some big strategic moves ready. I just hope that they do some upgrades to the product because lately it has been a pain in the ass to use. The notifications never end.