This is going to be a short post. I’m trying to write with Google Now voice dictation. I wanted to test voice accuracy of this and to see if this would be a viable option to try to get some things down.In the future, I think we will move more and more towards voice driving a lot of our actions and computing. Our voices allow us to have a different kind of interaction with devices and the real world.I wanted to see if I could use my voice to dictate my thoughts and see if there was anything that I noticed about the quality of the words and how much we have to edit.I really like the kind of concept of having something that is so easy to dictate to. It might be a cool tool to help bridge the gap for some new writers or help break through an idea you are stuck on.I think it’s an interesting concept to be able to have something in your car that could take voicemails and texts differently, but I think with these devices coming into our homes with Alexa and Google Now, Google Assistant, whatever they’re calling it, now you have the technology.I can’t see myself Starbucks talking to my phone, but I think it’s kind of a nice thing even just sitting in your car.John Siwicki